

What are Whole Numbers?

Whole numbers are a set of numbers that include all natural numbers and zero. They are a collection of all the positive numbers from zero to infinity.

Whole numbers & integers (article)

First we'll learn about whole numbers, then we'll learn about integers, and we'll finish by thinking about whole numbers and integers at the same time.

Whole Numbers - Definition | Examples

Whole numbers include all natural numbers and 0. They are real numbers that do not include fractions, decimals, and negative integers.

Whole Numbers

Whole numbers include all natural numbers and zero. Natural numbers are generally used for counting objects or things. The set of whole numbers is, W = 0,1,2,3 ...

Whole numbers

Whole numbers are the real numbers which include zero and all the positive integers. It does not include fractional numbers or negative integers.

Whole Numbers - Definitions, Examples, Symbols ...

A whole number is simply any positive number that does not include a fractional or decimal part. This means that, for example, the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...

Whole Numbers and Integers

Examples: 0, 7, 212 and 1023 are all whole numbers. (But numbers like ½, 1.1 and −5 are not whole numbers.) ...

WHOLE NUMBER中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

The infix arithmetic operators /, - are used to express quotient and remainder, respectively, when one whole number is divided by another; these symbols ...